Archive | February, 2013

“I know what ro…

27 Feb

“I know what romance looks like in real life, I will never know what an alien planet would look like, so 3D should only be used in less realistic films”

a quote used in my follow up transcription of my focus group for my dissertation, i began to relisten to the recording and find the interesting bits which i have missed the first time round which could be relevant to my dissertation.


i aim tomorrow to finish transcription for my dissertation and begin the final process

final references

23 Feb

it’s important that i look at the last important references as that’s important thing to back up;

ray zone’s book on 3D history is important as it’s full of referencing to the history of 3D which is backing up my historical segment

pleasure of horror by matt hills has so many interesting thought patterns about films, so even though it’s not film relevant, it’s given me a lot to thought to the theories behind horror audiences


Video 20 Feb

anaglyph research has gone to a head,
enjoying writing about personal things for my conclusions and introduction.

quite happy with the things i’ve achieved including getting a focus group organsiation beginning, and the development of the audience and research chapters are coming along nicely.


need to think about referencing in the future as it is proving to be tricky

reformatting dissertation

15 Feb

recieving back hard copy of dissertation, to see where i need to reformat and rewrite.

my references section is particularly messed up so need to sort it out so it’s coherent.

read two books about feminism and horror films, currently watching “history of horror’ with mark gatiss to get some insight into films i might have missed, and look at his horror film reviews.



11 Feb

watched this as to relate to the feedback i got about having and as about [taking into consideration the history, various concepts you have discussed, current cultural fears/anxieties represented in the narrative/various elements of the film, the responses from critics and audiences, etc]

dissertation formative C+

10 Feb

having recieved my feedback and being essentially told to rewrite most of my dissertation as it is structually unsound has left me in a less than happy mood.

however i’m re-writing one chapter to show my dissertation lecturer on thursday to feel out where she wants me to improve it and then from there i can either drop out of uni or get a better grade

Chose My Readers

9 Feb

i have chosen a selection of readers,

my two parents (both teachers)

two of my college peers

and my friend who has got her doctorate in psychology


7 Feb

Sent my dissertation off after recieving feedback from tutors to my 3 chosen readers.

my parents

my friend studying english literature

my other friend who is the year above me who wrote a horror thesis and is a known horror boffin.

focus group

6 Feb

my focus group went well today, asked the following questions

  • doy you like 3D/horrors
  • why
  • showed them some horror films and non horror films and asked them about 3d
  • asked them how they felt and interacted with horror films
  • explained the difference between anaglyph and real 3D

it was thoroughly interesting to see how people interacted within different genres etc


focus group

6 Feb

today is the focus group meeting

i am mainly asking them questions about 3D and horror films and how they feel about them, but also showcasing small bits of technology.

also read a book called “language of violence which proved to be very interesting”